All Dem & Prog Burlington City Council Candidates respond to F-35 survey
This Burlington City Council election is especially important for the safety of thousands of people living near the runway or in the flight path of the F-35
All six Burlington City Council candidates responded to the F-35 survey distributed by The survey results are below.
But, first, I want to share with you facts about the City’s power to terminate the F-35 training operations at the city-owned airport. Burlington voters have the power to elect candidates who are determined to use that power. Or not.
Burlington has power to enact noise standards at its own airport
All cities and towns that own airports are empowered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to enact noise standards for aviation safety at their airport so long as the noise standards apply to all the aircraft without discrimination.
The FAA has authority over the noise of civilian aircraft and it used it to require aircraft manufacturers to sharply reduce civilian aircraft noise for the health and safety of the public. The F-35 does not comply with those FAA standards for safety.
While the FAA lacks authority to protect the public from the noise of military aircraft, the Government of the City of Burlington has that authority: Under federal aviation law the City of Burlington can enact a noise standard that applies to all aircraft using the City’s airport, including the F-35.
For example, the City can apply its existing aviation ordinance to all aircraft based at BTV. That ordinance requires all aircraft at BTV to comply with FAA standards: The F-35 is the only aircraft based at BTV that does not comply with the FAA noise standards. Or the City can enact a new ordinance written to apply the FAA noise standard to all aircraft based at BTV. The federal government has already agreed to comply with such a locally enacted standard for government-owned aircraft “in common” with other aircraft users. So says the FAA in its “grant assurances,” with details as described in this article on substack. See also Santa Monica Airport v. City of Santa Monica, 659 F.2d 100 (9th Cir. 1981): Congress did not intend to preempt a municipality from imposing noise standards at its own airport.
Vote to end the suffering
Because Burlington, as airport owner, holds this power and has the responsibility to protect public safety at its airport, this Burlington City Council election is of vital importance for thousands of children and adults in the neighborhoods close to the runway or in the flight path of the F-35.
How the candidates answered
Candidates Jennifer Monroe Zakaras (P), Kathy Olwell (P), and Melo Grant (P) answered all 8 specific survey questions.
Candidates Allie Schachter (D), Rajit (Buddy) Singh (D), and Mark Barlow (D) declined to answer any of the specific survey questions.
All six candidates submitted comments to the survey that you can see below the specific questions and answers.
F-35 City Council Candidate Specific Survey Questions
1. Do you think the routine F-35 training flights should continue or should they stop from the runway at the Burlington-city-owned airport?
Continue F-35 flights at BTV —
Stop F-35 flights at BTV — Jennifer Monroe Zakaras (P)
Stop F-35 flights at BTV — Kathy Olwell (P)
Stop F-35 flights at BTV — Melo Grant (P)
2. Are you concerned about the health and safety of children and adults in view of the US Air Force writing that 2,963 affordable homes in an oval-shaped zone centered on the runway and 6,663 people are blasted with the 115-decibel F-35 noise thousands of times a year?
Yes — Jennifer Monroe Zakaras (P)
Yes — Kathy Olwell (P)
Yes — Melo Grant (P)
No —
3. Are you concerned that the Air Force said that low income and minority populations in Vermont are "disproportionately impacted" by the F-35?
Yes — Jennifer Monroe Zakaras (P)
Yes — Kathy Olwell (P)
Yes — Melo Grant (P)
No —
4. Are you concerned that each F-35 burns 22 gallons of fuel per minute, accelerating global warming?
Yes — Jennifer Monroe Zakaras (P)
Yes — Kathy Olwell (P)
Yes — Melo Grant (P)
No —
5. Are you interested in restoring affordable housing on the 44 acres of Burlington-City-owned land across from the airport, where 200 affordable homes were demolished because of F-16 afterburner noise in 2015? Under FAA rules housing can be restored on this land if the extreme-noise F-35 departs.
Yes — Jennifer Monroe Zakaras (P)
Yes — Kathy Olwell (P)
Yes — Melo Grant (P)
No —
6. Are you concerned that basing F-35 jets in a city violates the military’s own discipline that requires “distinction” or separation of such military equipment from populated areas?
Yes — Jennifer Monroe Zakaras (P)
Yes — Kathy Olwell (P)
Yes — Melo Grant (P)
No —
7. If elected, will you speak and vote to terminate the state's F-35 training operations at BTV and in any densely populated area?
Yes — Jennifer Monroe Zakaras (P)
Yes — Kathy Olwell (P)
Yes — Melo Grant (P)
No —
8. During the next few weeks of your election campaign will you be telling voters that you favor halting F-35 training flights from the BTV airport?
Yes — Jennifer Monroe Zakaras (P)
Yes — Kathy Olwell (P)
Yes — Melo Grant (P)
No —
Please provide any further comments on the F-35 issue.
Kathy Olwell (P) East District writes:
I have been opposed to the F-35 being based here since the beginning.
Allie Schachter (D) East District writes:
I hope you don’t mind that I’m sharing my answers in paragraph format, rather than in the Yes/No format you shared.
I am personally quite concerned about the F35s, which have a prominent presence here in the East District. From a quality of life and health standpoint, I am worried about their impact on my family and our neighbors. They are loud, and there are many minority and/or New American families who are disproportionately impacted by their presence. At times, my entire house shakes or I have to pause my conversations for what feels like several minutes as they fly overhead. Their carbon emissions also concern me.
I also understand that the decision about whether or not to explore a new mission for the VT Air National Guard ultimately rests with our federal delegation. To that end, as a City Councilor I will be committed to listening to my neighbors and constituents, to authentically representing the East District on this important issue, and to advocating for changes to the VT Air National Guard's mission at the federal level if that is what my constituents ask of me.
Thanks for reaching out about this important issue
Jennifer Monroe Zakaras (P) South District writes:
As someone who works at the intersection of public health and climate, I see clearly that the F-35 is a travesty. It should never have been here and I will gladly join any effort to get it out of here. Now that Representative Balint has spoken against it, we have a new point of leverage. Thanks for all your years of advocacy.
Ranjit (Buddy) Singh (D) South District writes:
Thanks for reaching out with your survey, I appreciate your engagement with our community and on an issue which has impacts beyond any one town border. I am reluctant to answer a survey with just yes/no answers as this is a very nuanced issue and it will not convey the multitude of factors that have gone into the decision making with regards to air guard. As a parent of a school aged child and being very involved with many children in the community, I share concerns about their safety and welfare. We must do whatever is available to us to ensure their safety and health, and that of everyone else in our community. If the Air Force could change the mission of Vermont Air National Guard (VTANG) the community would certainly welcome that. At this moment, this issue has been brought before the Air Force and VTANG’s mission will not be changed. These decisions have been made at the Federal level. I value your advocacy, and I share in your concern, but with so many issues facing the City of Burlington right now, and this being out of the council’s ability to influence, we must defer to Vermont’s Congressional Delegation. In the meantime, I will do whatever I can to support the noise mitigation efforts for the people of Burlington and surrounding areas, to help ensure the safety of all members of our community. Thank you.
Mark Barlow (D) North District writes:
Thank you for your email. As you know, I consider the F35 basing decision in Burlington to be a settled matter until the Air Force decides to give VTANG a different mission. Voters should know that The Burlington City Council does not make this decision.
As a commitment to constituents, I have talked recently with Senator Welch's office about the possibility of another mission for VTANG and they indicated that a different mission is unlikely any time soon. I plan to talk with Senator Sanders' and Representative Balint's offices as well, but don't expect different answers from them.
Melo Grant (P) Central District writes:
Many people feel the harm being done is obvious while others continue to turn a blind eye. I have not felt that our base was in danger of being closed until recently. The chaos at the Federal level shows that no one is safe. Having said, a decision was made years ago to close Plattsburgh and keep the base open here. We need to pressure our Federal representatives to do what they can to change the mission. It most likely won't be one that we like (Drone training for example) but the F-35 is a failure in cost and effectiveness, it's time to let it go.