This post is unbecoming a person with scientist-analytical training. If you’re against the F-35, why conflate your concerns with vitriolic disinformation about a separate, extremely complex international tragedy. Anyone who has actually read that letter would never conclude that its signers support genocide. We can, and must, do better.
This is inflammatory bordering on libel. Have you actually contacted the candidate? I have. I live in the East District and have had many conversations with her about the F-35s and her position on Israel. She is an intelligent and kind person who understands complicated issues with nuance, and you are wildly misrepresenting her views. It undermines your credibility and the entire anti-F35 movement. You are no longer a reliable source and I am embarrassed to align with you in the fight to cancel the F-35 program.
This post is unbecoming a person with scientist-analytical training. If you’re against the F-35, why conflate your concerns with vitriolic disinformation about a separate, extremely complex international tragedy. Anyone who has actually read that letter would never conclude that its signers support genocide. We can, and must, do better.
This is inflammatory bordering on libel. Have you actually contacted the candidate? I have. I live in the East District and have had many conversations with her about the F-35s and her position on Israel. She is an intelligent and kind person who understands complicated issues with nuance, and you are wildly misrepresenting her views. It undermines your credibility and the entire anti-F35 movement. You are no longer a reliable source and I am embarrassed to align with you in the fight to cancel the F-35 program.
Schachter running gor council in Btown...note her histery