Hi Jimmy, how did you find out about the release of the pfas by the South Burlington waste water treatment facility? That’s appalling! I was really hoping someone would have stepped forward with a clean up plan.

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The South Burlington newspaper called "The Other Paper," reported on July 11 that the city's water quality superintendent described the release of the PFAS by saying "we're only putting out about 0.3% of the flow" of the river." Which is the same as arguing that "the solution to pollution is dilution." This is not an authoritative response for a toxic chemical that's accumulating from multiple sources and doesn't decompose. It is also not authoritative because PFAS can be removed from water by carbon filtration and by reverse osmosis.

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Thanks James.

It is such important work you are doing, and so many support this work. I live in Hinesburg and I still find the noise of these jets very disturbing. They fly over and I can feel the effects in my body, and the noise lingers for minutes as they fly off into the distance. I keep thinking what an utter waste this madness all is. It's as though the military has become one of our greatest oppressors. This is not freedom. It's cold blooded protection of an elite class of people who are gradually taking control of the planet and shaping it to cater to their every whim. The ego knows no bounds, and just can't seem to get enough of money and power. Why does the US need to maintain over 900 bases in 90 countries? I would like to see the Vermont Air National Guard brought under control when its comes to their flying around in our skies with these horrible planes.

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Thank you for the news despite the gloomy consequences but we need reality here in Madison,WI. Very sorry for the Burlington PFAS CONTAMINATION-especially for the young and

those most vulnerable. Still, everyone can be adversely affected by the PFAS. Infuriating-damage comes prior to adequate public discussion and debate. Who is to be held responsible for the

decision making? Who pays the price for inadequate protection of the public? Who among public officials did their homework and tried to

protect the public? Assaults on civilians’ health

is apparently not as important as military training?

Why design flight paths in heavily populated areas?

Who is offering sensible alternatives? Probably overworked and tired but ever alert citizens and some specialists.

Please continue your work with suggestions on how all citizens might help even

if limited in free time or financial resources. As

citizens we all need to help even if we know our

contribution may be modest compared to whomever are the alert and responsible citizens.

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THANK YOU for this important information, James! I don't live in Vermont, but even where I live in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, it is so important that people be aware of what is happening with the Vermont National Guard and with the F-35s that use the Burlington facility. I'm appalled that the military would be so incredibly abusive toward US children and families. Of course US military entities are even more abusive toward children and others elsewhere. A question, whose voice recorded the audio version of the piece? I like so much the reading, its pace, style, and careful pronunciation. -Kathleen Temple (KathleenTemple.wordpress.com)

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